Quick Start Guide

Quick Start Guide

1. All users are requested to go through the    User policy  and   Best Practices to know the detailed guidelines approved by the Advisory Committee before requesting access to Paramshakti HPC systems  


2. All the First Time Users will get access to the HPC systems through their respective Faculty/Project Investigator/Guide, who will be the account coordinator. The  Faculty/Project Investigator/Guide must have submitted the  User Forms as a pre-requisite.


3. Any User other than Faculty Adviser needs to follow the 2-step procedure for user account creation. For a particular user if the Faculty Adviser account is already registered then he can skip the Step-1. 


    Step -1


Faculty Adviser can submit a request using  Faculty Form .The signed hard copy needs to be submitted at Room-F7, Lab1, First Floor JC Bose Annex building. Account creation of the Faculty Adviser may take upto 48 hours after the submission of the duly signed hard copy of the form. The Faculty Adviser will be notified via email after account creation is completed.


    Step -2


After Faculty Adviser account creation is complete, the students/users other than Faculty in the respective group of the Faculty Adviser can start filling the  User Forms and submit the duly signed hard copy at Room-F7, Lab1, First Floor JC Bose  Annex building. The user will be notified via email after account creation is completed.  


 ** Due to current pandemic situation users may send the scanned copy of the signed form duly endorsed by the respective Head of the Department/Centre/School  by e-mail to:shaktisupport@iitkgp.ac.in .

4. After receiving user credentials, the user can go through  Accessing the system link to know how to access the system and reset the initial Password. 


5. To know the available Scheduler Queues/Partitions and the charging policy user can refer to the  Queues link .  


6. The available software, compiler and libraries are configured as modules and the user can view the available modules using "module avail" command. For more details on modules and general Job submission procedures, refer to the  Software available link.  


7. To see sample  Serial,    OpenMP+MPI+Hybrid  GPU  job submission scripts refer to the respective hyperlinks.


8. To see the sample Application submission scripts, refer to the  Application link under Tutorials page.


9. For any other help/assistance, refer to the support  User Support link.