Nodal HPC Center at IIT Kharagpur under National Supercomputing Mission (NSM)

Objectives of the HPC Nodal Center

The HPC Nodal Center will focus on manpower creation and up-skilling of students, faculty, scientists, researchers, scientific users in the areas of High-Performance Computing and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Recent developments in the computational techniques in various domain and science and engineering have been strongly linked with efficient utilization of HPC resources. Therefore, it is essential to impart HPC training to the application domain researchers. On the other hand, it is also important that engineers and developers working on HPC understand the requirement posed by the domain experts. Therefore, this nodal center also focuses on organizing training programs on large scale computing in different science domains and thrives to bridge the gap between application and development aspects in HPC.

User Groups

Primarily, this nodal center focuses on developing HPC aware manpower in eastern and north-eastern states. Faculties, researchers and students from different academic institute form a section of this target group. Faculty development programs will be separately offered so that faculties from different institute can equip themselves to offer HPC related courses in their university. Also, personnel from research organizations and industries will be trained through this nodal center. Courses will be specifically designed with industrial relevance in areas like CFD, materials, AI etc.

Workshop III - HPC for Astronomy and Astrophysics [ 20-23 September, 2021]

Please refer the link for more detail.

Workshop II - Accelerated Data Science - 20-21 February, 2021

Jointly Organized by:
Centre for Computational and Data Science, IIT Kharagpur
NVIDIA Corporation, India
Under the aegis of National Supercomputing Mission(NSM)
About the Workshop:
The workshop aims to cover theory and technologies for accelerated machine learning as well as deep learning algorithms. The fundamentals of GPU computing with introduction to machine learning and deep learning algorithms will be presented. Several technologies and platforms for GPU acceleration of these algorithms will be covered. A tentative topic list is as follows:

Target Audience:
Faculty members. Research Students. Advanced Masters and Undergraduate Students. Industry Professionals.
Mode of Conduction: The workshop will be held online using MS Teams.
Important Dates:
Workshop: February 20-21, 2021
Last Date of Registration: February 17, 2021
Download Brochure
Please Register in this Link!
Registration is FREE!

Course - I : HPC Shiksha - Basics of High Performance Computing

NSM Nodal Centres for Training in HPC and AI, along with CDAC, are organizing a 13-week course on High Performance Computing. This is planned from November 2, 2020 through January 29, 2021 and is open to everyone. For more details, please visit

Workshop – I: GPU Bootcamp – 15-16 Sep

GPU Bootcamp is an exciting and unique way for scientists and researchers to learn the skills needed to start quickly accelerating codes on GPUs. Held as a virtual event in June, this two-days event will introduce you to available GPU libraries, programming models, and platforms where you will learn the basics of GPU programming through extensive hands-on collaboration based on real-life applications using the OpenACC programming model.

Moreover, you will get hands-on experience on how to use NVIDIA Nsight tools and NVTX to profile your applications. This virtual GPU Bootcamp is organized in collaboration with IIT KharagpurNational Supercomputing Mission (NSM), and NVIDIA. This Bootcamp is only or those affiliated with IIT Kharagpur.

 This will be an digital event to be held on 15th & 16th Sept. NVIDIA will provide remote 
support and resource for this Bootcamp.

Registration link: 

IIT Kharagpur HPC Nodal Center Bootcamp

(click apply now button on or before 10th Sept)

Event Venue: online
Event Date: 15-09-2020
Event Time: 09.00 AM